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How This New Energy Analysis App Can Save You Big $

Key Takeaways

  • Homeselfe requests information about electronics, faucets, fixtures and much more to provide a comprehensive overview on how your home's major systems are performing.
  • It tracks down appliance / energy related rebates for you.
  • The app's interface is engaging, easy to use and encourages user interaction.
  • If you're a current homeowner, this app can absolutely be a benefit to you if you make the energy-efficiency changes it recommends.

What you should know

Homeselfe asks you for information about your current electronics, light bulbs, thermostats, fixtures, water heaters, faucets, heating and cooling systems, and major appliances. It then checks those against a database of products and brands to search for potential upgrades, Energy Star ratings and even rebates you may not have known were available.

Using the information provided, the app lists every opportunity to save money from applying new seals, changing a few lightbulbs, leaky windows and exterior facing doors -- the works! It will then project dollar amounts saved over time.

Informative visuals & easily digested data are some of the features you will find in the fun to read reports.

All you have to do is stroll through your house and fill in the data per room about every aspect of power & resource usage.

Common Knowledge? Maybe for some

While most of these recommendations will be pretty common knowledge for experienced Realtors & homeowners, many homeowners will lose sight of them after purchasing their home.

Once it comes time to sell your home as well, if you've followed the app's advice and recommendations then your home will be that much more attractive to potential buyers (especially over your neighbors less energy efficient house)!

Keep in mind, some of these will be big ticket items at first so the idea would be to slowly implement the changes over time.

If you don't want to go through the hassle of downloading the app, creating an account & filling out all of the information then we will be more than happy to complete a free energy report for you! Request your free report below and we will contact you within 24 hours to get started.

Request a Free Home Energy Report Today